
Building A Culture of Confidence

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I do alot of speaking, all over the country.  I speak to small groups, big groups, and every size in-between.  And one thing is always true no matter who I am speaking to:  I get nervous.  It’s true.  I have been a speaker for a very long time and talked to literally tens of thousands […]

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This is what your clients think of you

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I was listening to the radio the other day in the car driving to work and a song came on that I had not heard in over 30 years. It was one of those one-hit wonders that I knew all the words to, and I instantly smiled thinking back about where I was when I […]

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The secret to creating deep customer relationships

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I was frustrated. I had been communicating via email back and forth all day with a tech support rep at the company who makes the product that I wasn’t very happy with. It wouldn’t work and the tech support person was trying to give me possible solutions to remedy the problem. At the end of […]

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Why Social Media Metrics Aren’t As Important As You Think

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Social media metric tools are plentiful and getting better and better every day. I often recommend various types of tools so that my customers can keep track of their progress and effectiveness in their social media outreach. There are a bunch of free ones as well as some great professional tools that you have to […]

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Make More Money by Having Fun

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She said “I tried what you said about having fun.  So I started to post fun questions and silly pictures, and it worked.  Suddenly people started talking to me and paying attention to what I was saying.  I am engaging with my customers like I never have before!” It’s comments like this from my customers […]

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It Takes A Village… To Blog

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I spend alot of time consulting businesses, both small and large, in their use of social media and Internet marketing to promote their business and connect with their customers. And one of the pieces of advice I give to just about everyone is to start blogging on their website. Blogging has so many benefits, chief […]

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When They Venture Into Your World

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Last week I shared about what you need to do when you venture into your customers’ world. This week I reverse it and share with you what you need to do when they visit you. You know stores that you really love to go to. And you also know stores that you hate going to. […]

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