Some of you might be surprised to learn this about me. Years ago when I was in college I had a summer job as a roofer. After that summer I had a deep respect for roofers. It’s not an easy job. For years I wondered why I would drive by a work site and see guys just standing around or sitting under a tree. Now I know why.
There were many times during the day when I had to get down off the roof and sit in the shade. I of course wasn’t as ‘seasoned’ as the other guys who had been doing it for years, so I needed more breaks and time on the ground. And I think that is a great metaphor for business owners when it comes to social media.
I have written many times about this issue. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the social media tools and things out there. I get overwhelmed myself having to keep up-to-date on all these things because folks expect me to have some answers for them. I also have a difficult time pulling away from all of it when I find time to get away. Millions feel like I do, being unable to resist the draw of the notifications on their phone and their pcs.
So in 2012 I am going to make a valiant effort to get out of the burning hot sun of social media from time to time and spend more time in the shade. We all need to recharge our batteries. If you don’t, you won’t be any good to anyone, especially your business. Social media is a stream my friends, and it is moving very fast. There is no way to consume all of it or keep up with every single thing. So take some time occasionally to pull back in the shade. The stream will be there waiting for you when you get back, I promise.