Warning. This post is going to talk about a product that I have for sale, so you might see my comments as self-serving.
I get so many questions about this topic that I decided to write a book about it. The question is how to get found by Google on the Internet. And the answer is… you have to do a bunch of stuff. In the book I give this analogy: it is like baking a cake. There are many ingredients and you can’t leave out any of them. Every one of them is important.
It is true that not everyone cares about their presence on the Internet. It is my contention that if you are a business that you need to care, because more and more of your customers turn to the Internet for information and answers to help them make decisions. Like the decisions of whether or not to buy your products and services. I have a business myself and I care greatly about how I am perceived on the Internet, so I spend vast amounts of time trying to craft that image and control those aspects of my Internet presence that I have control over. You need to do that same.
So here is the ‘big picture’ of what your Google Gameplan needs to be:
- Get your website in order, making sure that it is search-engine optimized with META tags, citations, links and images.
- Harness the power of Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics.
- Claim your Google Profile and manage it.
- Claim and manage your Google Places pages.
- Join Google+ and use Google+ buttons and badges to drive traffic and build influence.
- Tap into YouTube and the power of videos!
- Pay attention to what is said about you on the Internet using various listening tools.
If you want to be found by your customers and potential customers then you need a plan. Call it what you want but I call it the Google Gameplan, because as it stands right now Google makes the rules and Google owns the playing field. And I would be remiss if I didn’t try to sell you one of my books, so head over to my Online Store and grab a copy today! It will be the best money you spend all day, I promise!