My most popular post of all-time

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I was interviewed a few weeks ago for an article by about how a person can turn themselves into a ‘brand’. It’s quite an interesting subject and the young man who wrote the article did a good job on the topic. You can read it here in its entirety.

A few days after the article was posted online a friend of mine and I were having breakfast together and he mentioned that he had read that article and that he was in the process of trying to do just that…position himself where people viewed him, at least on some level, as a ‘brand’ worth investing in. And interestingly enough, my most popular post on my website, the one with the most clicks, most views, most shares, and the one that is most linked to almost 4 years after I wrote it, is the one titled ‘5 Easy Steps To Turn Yourself Into A Brand’.  Obviously, this is a topic people want to know more about.

If you Google that topic you’ll see an endless list of advice about how to do this, and I’d like to think you’d see my article listed there in the results.  But in case you don’t, you can read the article here. To be honest, the title may be a bit misleading.  I imply that there are 5 ‘easy’ steps, and while the steps themselves aren’t rocket science, it is going to require work.  But then again, nothing in life worth doing is easy, am I right?

One final comment I would like to make is this… don’t let the word ‘brand’ confuse you or put you off.  You may be thinking, ‘Gee Steve, doesn’t that seem a little silly to think I could become another ‘Oprah’ or ‘MJ’ or ‘Coke’?’  It’s quite likely that you won’t, to be sure. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t become that person that pops into someone’s head when they think about whatever it is that you do.  When you have reached the point where people seek you out for whatever it is that you do and when they turn to you for the answers,  and when they want to hire you and pay you for what you know… then on some level you have turned yourself into that ‘brand’ they think is worth investing their time, energy, money, and attention into.  I’ve seen it happen many times, and it can happen to you. So go read those 5 steps and come back here and tell me what you think.


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