Have you snapped yet? Snapchat, the darling social media tool for young people today, isn’t what it used to be. You remember Snapchat, right? That little app that kids use to send dirty little pictures to each other? Yeah, that may be what it started out as, but it’s so much more now. It’s grown to over 100 million daily active users, and over 1 billion stories shared every day. Yeah, it’s way more now. And since only about 1% of marketers are using it to promote their business, it seems to me that Snapchat is just ripe for the pickens. So what are you gonna use it for? First and foremost, you need to be smart. Social media is most successful at developing and deepening relationships. If you don’t go into it with that mindset, you’ll probably fail. So here are some ideas of how you can use Snapchat snaps and stories with your business.
1. Give your followers a peek behind the velvet rope. Everyone likes to feel special. So show them something they normally can’t see. What goes on in the kitchen… what happens in the warehouse… who is actually in charge of the social media account?
2. Create a Snap that shows the location of your store, especially if it is hard to find.
3. Introduce some employees and tell a little something about them. Heck, if your business is Momma’s Bakery, show them who the heck Momma is!
4. Answer customer questions. If you get questions from customers, use Snapchat to answer them instead so many people can see the answer.
5. Demonstrate your product. If your product or service needs explaining, use Snapchat to do it.
6. Create promotions and deliver the goods at the end. Wait till the end of the Snapchat story to provide the promo code for whatever contest or promotion you are doing.
7. Try out Snapcash. Snapcash allows Snapchat users to send money to each other. Set up your Snapcash and then encourage your customers to try it.
You’ll never know if Snapchat will be beneficial for you till you try it. Set it up, try it out, tell your customers you’re there, and see what happens.